A Sneak Peek, Mystical Force Vol. 6: The Enemy Within
Satisfied that more innocent lives had been saved, Shi-ria took Chiyoko back with her to Mystic’s home in Aryavarta. Given Chiyoko’s volatile emotional state, Shi-ria felt it was best to bring her back to Mystic to help her deal with these feelings. Using a simple magic ring that Mystic gave her, Shi-ria teleported herself and Chiyoko back to Mystic’s home in Aryavarta. While it was already after midnight in Teikoku City, sunset was only an hour ago in Aryavarta. Thus, both Shi-ria and Chiyoko returned just as the last orange haze of the evening twilight began fading into the western skies over the mountains in the distance. Shi-ria felt a sense of serenity as she watched the colours fade from the evening sky. Unfortunately, she also felt something else: the opposite of serenity coming from Chiyoko. She was still reeling from the earlier battle. Shi-ria could sense her inner turmoil.
“Chiyoko…” she began. She was about to suggest they talk to Mystic to help her calm herself down and focus her mind and emotions, but Chiyoko was too angry to listen.
“I should have never made that promise to you!” Chiyoko abruptly cut her off. “It was a mistake for me not to use the power of the Koldar!”
Shi-ria calmly gazed into Chiyoko’s eyes, “No, it wasn’t.”
“I could have ended things right then and there!” Chiyoko snapped.
“We did put an end to their criminal operation,” Shi-ria reminded her apprentice. “We stopped those criminals. They’re now in police custody, and the girls have been rescued. Is that not sufficient?”
“Do you really think they’ve learned their lesson?” Chiyoko asked, growing angrier. “What’s to stop them from doing the same thing again once they get out of prison?”
“That won’t be for a very long time,” Shi-ria pointed out.
“But it still could happen!” Chiyoko protested. “If I had used my powers to disintegrate them, they’d never be able to hurt anyone again!”
“However, you would gain the power to hurt people,” Shi-ria countered, “and you would hurt them again and again. Don’t you see, Chiyoko? It’s not about those criminals; it’s about you. If you take the quick and easy path and continue to surrender to fear and anger, you’ll end up a Koldar Warrior. Just like in that possible future I foresaw. The future Scarlet Knightwalker is so desperate to prevent. Remember what I told you about the Koldar Warriors? If you follow their path, you’ll be no different and no better than those criminals we’ve just defeated. You won’t care about helping others. All that will matter to you is using your power for your own selfish gain. You’ll end up hurting the very people you claim to care about. Remember what you accidentally did to Shinjo? What if next time, it’s not an accident? What if next time, you do it on purpose?”
Chiyoko just stood there, silently fuming. “YOU’RE JUST JEALOUS OF ME!” Chiyoko hollered, no longer holding back all her pent-up fury. “YOU’RE HOLDING ME BACK BECAUSE YOU’RE AFRAID THAT I MIGHT SURPASS YOU ONE DAY! THAT’S YOUR PROBLEM. YOU DON’T WANT ME TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM BECAUSE I FIGURED OUT A SOLUTION YOU DIDN’T!” As Chiyoko continued her enraged verbal assault, she also began an unintentional physical, psychic assault on Shi-ria as well. Although Chiyoko wasn’t consciously aware of it, she was once again tapping into the dark energy of the Koldar, just like she had done with Dead-Eye earlier. Chiyoko, in her fury, imagined unleashing the same power on Shiria. Chiyoko imagined herself using that same power to break down every cell, every molecule, every atom in Shi-ria’s body. In her rage, Chiyoko imagined tearing Shi-ria apart cell by cell, atom by atom. The difference was that Shi-ria had the power to prevent this. This was one of the first abilities that the Taman Knight learned when they began as an apprentice: how to use their powers to block others, like a Koldar Warrior or a dark mage, from using their powers on them. Shi-ria never forgot how to use that power. However, in this instance, she chose not to use it. Thus, even as Shi-ria could feel Chiyoko’s raw, unchecked power assaulting her cellular structure, and even as the Taman set off alarms inside her, Shi-ria offered no resistance. Shi-ria gritted her teeth and groaned, doubling over in pain. Yet, despite the agony she felt inside of her, she still offered no resistance. Collapsing on the floor, Shi-ria mustered what strength she had and lifted her head. Gazing up into Chiyoko’s eyes, she saw a burning fire of rage, anger, and hatred, but she also saw something else emerging: fear and horror. It suddenly dawned on Chiyoko what she was doing.
Chiyoko, in turn, saw her teacher, the very woman who saved her life, who offered her the chance for something better than the life of a petty criminal, slowly and painfully wasting away right before her eyes. Suddenly, the burning fury she felt within her was quickly snuffed out and replaced with the icy hand of fear and shame over what she was doing. She was responsible for Shi-ria being in the vulnerable state she was in right now. It was just as Shi-ria had predicted; Chiyoko was using her new-found powers to get revenge against someone she believed had wronged her, and for that brief, terrifying moment, she didn’t care how her actions hurt the woman trying to save her life. Fortunately for Chiyoko, this shocking revelation freed her from the dark, seductive grasp of the power of the Koldar. No longer drawing on its dark power to lash out against Shi-ria, Chiyoko gasped in horror as her mentor collapsed unconscious on the floor.
“SHI-RIA!” Chiyoko shouted. Terrified by what she had done, she dropped to her knees and cradled Shi-ria in her arms. Overcome by shame and guilt of her actions, Chiyoko held Shiria close while silently weeping. “I’m sorry!” she whispered. “Please, don’t die!”
Mystic and Noonien rushed into the room, having sensed what happened. They looked at each other and communicated telepathically. Using his magic, Noonien gently lifted Shi-ria up and levitated her onto her bed. Meanwhile, Mystic kneeled next to Chiyoko. Sensing her thoughts, the turmoil of emotions swirling around inside her, she gently took hold of Chiyoko. Chiyoko, in turn, buried her face in Mystic’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry!” she sobbed. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean it!”
Mystic gently hugged her, placing her hand on the back of Chiyoko’s head. She sent waves of calm, soothing energy into Chiyoko’s mind using her telepathy. It’s alright, Mystical mentally told her. Shi-ria will be alright.
Mystical Force Vol. 6: The Enemy Within. Coming soon…