Tag: character bios

A Sneak Peek, Mystical Force Vol. 6: The Enemy Within

A Sneak Peek, Mystical Force Vol. 6: The Enemy Within

Satisfied that more innocent lives had been saved, Shi-ria took Chiyoko back with her to Mystic’s home in Aryavarta. Given Chiyoko’s volatile emotional state, Shi-ria felt it was best to bring her back to Mystic to help her deal with these feelings. Using a simple magic ring that Mystic gave her, Shi-ria teleported herself and Chiyoko back to Mystic’s home in Aryavarta. While it was already after midnight in Teikoku City, sunset was only an hour ago in Aryavarta. Thus, both Shi-ria and Chiyoko returned just as the last orange haze of the evening twilight began fading into the western skies over the mountains in the distance. Shi-ria felt a sense of serenity as she watched the colours fade from the evening sky. Unfortunately, she also felt something else: the opposite of serenity coming from Chiyoko. She was still reeling from the earlier battle. Shi-ria could sense her inner turmoil.

“Chiyoko…” she began. She was about to suggest they talk to Mystic to help her calm herself down and focus her mind and emotions, but Chiyoko was too angry to listen.

“I should have never made that promise to you!” Chiyoko abruptly cut her off. “It was a mistake for me not to use the power of the Koldar!”

Shi-ria calmly gazed into Chiyoko’s eyes, “No, it wasn’t.”

“I could have ended things right then and there!” Chiyoko snapped.

“We did put an end to their criminal operation,” Shi-ria reminded her apprentice. “We stopped those criminals. They’re now in police custody, and the girls have been rescued. Is that not sufficient?”

“Do you really think they’ve learned their lesson?” Chiyoko asked, growing angrier. “What’s to stop them from doing the same thing again once they get out of prison?”

“That won’t be for a very long time,” Shi-ria pointed out.

“But it still could happen!” Chiyoko protested. “If I had used my powers to disintegrate them, they’d never be able to hurt anyone again!”

“However, you would gain the power to hurt people,” Shi-ria countered, “and you would hurt them again and again. Don’t you see, Chiyoko? It’s not about those criminals; it’s about you. If you take the quick and easy path and continue to surrender to fear and anger, you’ll end up a Koldar Warrior. Just like in that possible future I foresaw. The future Scarlet Knightwalker is so desperate to prevent. Remember what I told you about the Koldar Warriors? If you follow their path, you’ll be no different and no better than those criminals we’ve just defeated. You won’t care about helping others. All that will matter to you is using your power for your own selfish gain. You’ll end up hurting the very people you claim to care about. Remember what you accidentally did to Shinjo? What if next time, it’s not an accident? What if next time, you do it on purpose?”

Chiyoko just stood there, silently fuming. “YOU’RE JUST JEALOUS OF ME!” Chiyoko hollered, no longer holding back all her pent-up fury. “YOU’RE HOLDING ME BACK BECAUSE YOU’RE AFRAID THAT I MIGHT SURPASS YOU ONE DAY! THAT’S YOUR PROBLEM. YOU DON’T WANT ME TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM BECAUSE I FIGURED OUT A SOLUTION YOU DIDN’T!” As Chiyoko continued her enraged verbal assault, she also began an unintentional physical, psychic assault on Shi-ria as well. Although Chiyoko wasn’t consciously aware of it, she was once again tapping into the dark energy of the Koldar, just like she had done with Dead-Eye earlier. Chiyoko, in her fury, imagined unleashing the same power on Shiria. Chiyoko imagined herself using that same power to break down every cell, every molecule, every atom in Shi-ria’s body. In her rage, Chiyoko imagined tearing Shi-ria apart cell by cell, atom by atom. The difference was that Shi-ria had the power to prevent this. This was one of the first abilities that the Taman Knight learned when they began as an apprentice: how to use their powers to block others, like a Koldar Warrior or a dark mage, from using their powers on them. Shi-ria never forgot how to use that power. However, in this instance, she chose not to use it. Thus, even as Shi-ria could feel Chiyoko’s raw, unchecked power assaulting her cellular structure, and even as the Taman set off alarms inside her, Shi-ria offered no resistance. Shi-ria gritted her teeth and groaned, doubling over in pain. Yet, despite the agony she felt inside of her, she still offered no resistance. Collapsing on the floor, Shi-ria mustered what strength she had and lifted her head. Gazing up into Chiyoko’s eyes, she saw a burning fire of rage, anger, and hatred, but she also saw something else emerging: fear and horror. It suddenly dawned on Chiyoko what she was doing.

Chiyoko, in turn, saw her teacher, the very woman who saved her life, who offered her the chance for something better than the life of a petty criminal, slowly and painfully wasting away right before her eyes. Suddenly, the burning fury she felt within her was quickly snuffed out and replaced with the icy hand of fear and shame over what she was doing. She was responsible for Shi-ria being in the vulnerable state she was in right now. It was just as Shi-ria had predicted; Chiyoko was using her new-found powers to get revenge against someone she believed had wronged her, and for that brief, terrifying moment, she didn’t care how her actions hurt the woman trying to save her life. Fortunately for Chiyoko, this shocking revelation freed her from the dark, seductive grasp of the power of the Koldar. No longer drawing on its dark power to lash out against Shi-ria, Chiyoko gasped in horror as her mentor collapsed unconscious on the floor.

“SHI-RIA!” Chiyoko shouted. Terrified by what she had done, she dropped to her knees and cradled Shi-ria in her arms. Overcome by shame and guilt of her actions, Chiyoko held Shiria close while silently weeping. “I’m sorry!” she whispered. “Please, don’t die!”

Mystic and Noonien rushed into the room, having sensed what happened. They looked at each other and communicated telepathically. Using his magic, Noonien gently lifted Shi-ria up and levitated her onto her bed. Meanwhile, Mystic kneeled next to Chiyoko. Sensing her thoughts, the turmoil of emotions swirling around inside her, she gently took hold of Chiyoko. Chiyoko, in turn, buried her face in Mystic’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry!” she sobbed. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean it!”

Mystic gently hugged her, placing her hand on the back of Chiyoko’s head. She sent waves of calm, soothing energy into Chiyoko’s mind using her telepathy. It’s alright, Mystical mentally told her. Shi-ria will be alright.

Mystical Force Vol. 6: The Enemy Within. Coming soon…

NEW SERIES: Liberator

NEW SERIES: Liberator

Today I am pleased to announce a new book series I will be working on in addition to Mystical Force. This new series also takes place in the same universe as Mystical Force, thus allowing for potential crossovers. And so I am proud to announce my new series, “Liberator: the People’s Guard”.

Before I begin, let me just state, that Mystical Force has not be cancelled, abandoned, postponed indefinitely or anything like that. I am currently writing volume 5 of Mystical Force right now. Going forward I’ll be working on both series simultaneously. Thus my series will be alternating between “Liberator” and “Mystical Force”. I’ll release the next volume of one series, followed by the next volume of the other series. In other words, Liberator volume 1, followed by Mystical Force volume 5, Liberator volume 2, Mystical Force volume 6 and so on.

Now with that out of the way, what exactly is this series you ask? The Liberator is the official state-sponsored hero of the Democratic People’s Republic of Ruthenia. Now what is an ‘official state-sponsored hero’ you ask? When most people think of superheroes we think of the masked/costumed vigilantes seen in comic books. Either people with super powers, or rich people with all sorts of high tech equipment that go around in costumes, arresting bad guys and stopping crime. Most of these heroes are vigilantes who operate outside the law. My character of Shi-ria in Mystical Force is an example of this as she acts on her own without any authorization from the law. The ‘state-sponsored hero’ is the government’s response to prevent such vigilantes from taking the law into their own hands. Think of the state-sponsored hero as the superhero equivalent of a police officer. Their costume, secret identity and other gadgets are all supplied by the state, they receive their funding from the government via our tax dollars, the same as any other government department or ministry would.

The state-sponsored hero is, in a way, not to different from the Order of the Cross in Mystical Force. The only difference is that the Order of the Cross is run and funded by the Catholic Church while a state-sponsored hero is run and funded by the government of their respective country. The only real difference is that a state-sponsored hero only has jurisdiction within their own country and has no authority outside of it. For example: imagine Washington state police pursuing a criminal. Said criminal crosses the border into British Columbia, Canada. The Washington state troopers have no jurisdiction in another state or province, let alone another country. Similarly, if a criminal were to flee Ruthenia and make their way to Oyashima, for example, a hero like The Liberator wouldn’t legally be able to follow said criminal into Oyashima, arrest them and bring them back to Ruthenia. In this respect, a state-sponsored hero isn’t much different from the exorcists in the Order of the Cross. Since the Order of the Cross is a branch of the Catholic Church, and doesn’t answer to any specific nation, they technically have no official authorization to operate in countries such as Oyashima or the Democratic People’s Republic of Ruthenia.

Now as for the series itself: Ever since he was a small child growing up in the Democratic People’s Republic of Ruthenia, Tovarich Revanov was always taught about the “enemies of the people” and that “enemies” don’t deserve compassion or mercy. Now as an adult he’s going to put that to the test. Chosen to be “the Liberator” he’s the state’s newest “official state-sponsored hero”. Here to protect the workers of Ruthenia from the “enemies of the people”. Unfortunately in a totalitarian dictatorship “enemies of the people” can be anyone from terrorists plotting to blow up buildings, to peaceful demonstrators protesting their government’s poor human rights record. Is the Liberator a hero or is he the villain? Join Tovarich in this exciting new series, as he discovers for himself what it truly means to be a hero. The only real questions are: Will his definition of “hero” be compatible with that of the state? Will he be able to “liberate” himself from the dogmatic, state propaganda that’s been drilled into his head since he was a child? Or will he need to “guard” the people from their own government?

All these questions and more will be answered in my new series, Liberator: the People’s Guard, which should be out by fall. As always, you can check back here for more details. In addition to my website, you can also follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube. Don’t forget, if you’ve already bought copies of my books; do me a favour and give it a good review on Amazon, Google and/or wherever you bought it. And if you haven’t bought your copies yet, what are you waiting for? Do it now! I need the money!!!



The Taman Knights are a monastic religious order originating from the Planet Thalia. The character of Shi-ria is a member of this organization.


The Taman is the energy and will of the universe and all things that exist within the universe.

– Quote from the book of Taman

The word “Taman” roughly translates as universeenergy, balance or whole. The universe is energy, specifically positive and negative energies called “the Kolri and the Koldar”. The word “Kolri” roughly translates as inner good or inner light, while “Koldar” means inner evil or inner darkness. These two forces are the only constants in the universe. They exist in all living creatures and shall always exist in perfect balance. Their belief is that good and evil exist in all people and in order to maintain balance in life one must use the Kolri (inner light) to control the Koldar (inner darkness) to maintain balance, peace and harmony in themselves and thus the universe. Without this balance the universe, according to their philosophy, will be thrown into chaos.

The Koldar gives the Taman strength, but thou cannot control this alone; for without the Kolri, the balance of goodness and light, one cannot hope to use the Koldar for good but it shall use thee for death and destruction.

– Quote from the book of Taman

According to their beliefs, a Taman knight draws their strength from the Koldar (their negative emotions: anger, aggression, hatred, selfishness) but it also states that such power is inevitably corrupting and will destroy you so one must first learn to use the Kolri (positive emotions: joy, love, compassion, selflessness) to control this inner darkness so its power can be used for constructive purposes rather than destructive ones. According to their teachings, the Koldar is too powerful and only a Taman Knight with the power of the Kolri to help them, can control the Koldar and use it’s dark powers for good instead of evil. When one uses the Koldar, they grow more powerful but due to their emotions it makes it more difficult to control their powers. When one uses the Kolri their powers may not be as strong but they have clarity so they know how to use patience and strategy to defeat an opponent instead of simply overpowering them by brute force alone. Those who succumb to the dark powers of the Koldar are known as Koldar Warriors (Dark Taman knights).

According to their philosophy, matter and energy are related. The Taman Knights teach that all matter is composed of protons, neutrons and electrons, which are composed of quarks, which are energy. Thus the entire universe is a giant ocean of energy. That energy is the Taman, an energy that they use to help protect the innocent and defend justice.

The Taman knights use the Taman for the pursuit knowledge and wisdom. For peace, harmony and also defend the innocent. The Taman is never to be used for aggression and attack, nor to gain power simply for the sake of gaining power.

– Quote from the book of Taman

Since all people have this inner darkness Taman knights are encouraged to control this with their inner light. This involves meditating to attain a calming state and focusing on positive reinforcement in both thought and action. Taman philosophy teaches to respect all living creatures and to resolve conflicts through peaceful means. It encourages listening, thinking and waiting rather than acting rash.


The powers and abilities of a Taman knight vary depending on the individual. Their level of training, experience and personal strength are all factors in determining how strong their abilities are. Like any skill, anyone can learn these powers, depending on how much time one spends developing it determines the extent of their powers, but it’s not the only factor. Just as one person may be more gifted in the arts than in mathematics for example, some people are more in tune with the Taman than others. The following is a general list of powers used by Taman knights.

Taman Alchemy:

Since they’re taught that matter and energy are interchangeable, Taman knights have the ability to transform energy directly into matter manifesting into a physical object. Usually this is used to create weapons for self defence, but it can be used to create other things such as tools or to repair a damaged object. Likewise it can also be used to turn matter back into energy (for example: disintegrating the bullets in a gun, thus rendering the weapon useless).

Taman or Kolri Heal:

The ability of a Taman Knight to quickly heal from injuries that would otherwise take much longer to recover from. The amount of time it takes one to heal from an injury depends on the severity of said injury. Thus if the wound is severe enough, they could die before healing themselves enough for their injury to be non life threatening. A Taman knight also cannot grow back a limb or body part that has been cut off or lost due to battle, injury or disease, though they can create cybernetic limbs via Taman Alchemy. This power also strengthens their immune systems but does not ensure they will never get sick.

Taman Enhancement:

The ability to use the energy of the Taman to run faster, jump higher and so on. This also allows them to function with less sleep than a normal person, go longer without eating and even survive in a thin atmosphere (thought they cannot survive without any atmosphere, such as in space). Despite this ability Taman knights cannot go without sleeping or eating for an indefinite period of time. This ability is to help them survive longer in a hostile environment and give them a better chance to escape it.

Gravity Manipulation:

The ability of a Taman Knight to slow ones decent when falling, thus allowing them to jump/fall from heights which would otherwise kill them. It also allows them to slow other falling objects giving them time to rescue others or prevent themselves from being crushed by falling debris. They cannot however make themselves or other persons/objects independent of gravity.

Taman Reading:

Equivalent to what we known as E.S.P. More specifically: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, precognition, retro cognition and empathic abilities. In other words, it allows them to see events that have already happened or events that have not yet transpired. They also have the ability to sense the emotional state of others, as well as to tell if someone is lying. This power is generally used by placing themselves into a meditative trance and focusing on a specific person, object or event.



Shi-ria is a Taman Knight who was born and raised on the planet Thalia. As a young child she was orphaned and found living on the streets of the city of Kalshiya, in the Dekanta province with her adopted brother and sister Rirk and Kurai. As children, the three of them made their living stealing whatever they needed to survive. Thinking only of themselves, they believed the rest of the world didn’t care about them so they saw no need to be concerned with how their actions harmed others. One day they had been caught stealing by a group of merchants who were prepared to take revenge upon them. Fortunately they were saved by a Taman Knight named Kalai-Udon, who sensed within the three of them a strong ability to tune into the Taman. He gave them a choice: remain on the street as thieves where they’d either wind up in jail or dead, or become his apprentices and train to become Taman Knights, an ancient religious order of Thalia. Given the choice, the three picked the later, moved in to the temple of the Taman Knights and began their training.

As an apprentice Shi-ria displayed great skill and strength. However, such skills made her arrogant and caused friction due to her reckless ‘leap before you look’ attitude, which contrasted with Kuria’s more serious, no nonsense approach. Many of the other apprentices gave Shi-ria the nickname “the fearless fool”. As a result of Shi-ria’s irresponsible and immature behaviour Kurai often grew irritated with her, causing the two of them to argue frequently. This often caused Kurai to give in to her anger. It was during one of these arguments that Shi-ria managed to drive her sister into a fit of rage, drawing on the power of the Koldar (her inner darkness), Kurai overpowered Shi-ria and almost killed her, had it not been for the intervention of their master. Following this event, Kurai was abducted by a group of Koldar Warriors (dark counterparts of the Taman Knights) who believed themselves to be ‘real’ Taman Knights, while at the same time believing the legitimate branches of the Taman Knights were a twisted perversion the original teachings of Princess Alderoth, the founder of this religion and the first officially recognized Taman Knight. The Koldar Warriors, thought that negative emotions like anger and hatred made them powerful, while love and compassion weakened them. The Koldar Warriors believed that their twisted views were correct and had tried to turn Kurai into one of them as part of their larger plan to destroy the Taman Knights and create a galaxy spanning theocratic empire where all non believers would either be forcibly converted or destroyed. Fearing that her actions led Kurai to give in to her inner darkness, Shi-ria, like a Koldar Warrior, had given into emotion rather than logic. Rushing off to confront this cult and rescue her sister without a proper plan, Shi-ria found herself alone against scores of armed enemies.

Meanwhile, the Koldar Warriors had been searching for an ancient magic scroll that would have allowed them to instantly teleport anywhere across the galaxy, allowing them to spread their dark religion and destroy all those they deemed unworthy. Originally, they used Shi-ria as a test subject and sent her off to a remote, backwards planet called Earth. There this reckless, foolish Taman apprentice found a teenage girl named Chiyoko and began training her as an apprentice. Thus the sins of the teacher were passed on to the student. Originally Shi-ria would later die only for Chiyoko to later give in to her own inner darkness and become a Koldar Warrior. However a woman named Scarlet Knightwalker would later travel back in time and alter history, ensuring those events would never happen. Thanks to Knightwalker’s intervention, history had been altered and Master Kalai-Udon along with the other Taman Knights discovered what the Koldar Warriors were doing and rescued both Shi-ria and Kurai, while Knightwalker secretly took the magic scroll, thus preventing the Koldar Warriors from creating their dark, theocratic, galaxy spanning empire.

Thanks to Knightwalker’s altering the past, Shi-ria wasn’t sent to Earth and remained on Thalia to complete her training and become a full fledged Taman Knight. This incident is what helped shape Shi-ria into the Taman Knight she is today. It caused her to grow into a more responsible, more rational, more compassionate and selfless person. She quickly excelled becoming the second youngest person to obtain the rank of Taman Knight (Kurai being the youngest by only a few months). It was also thanks to the above mentioned incident that Shi-ria learned not to be so rash and give in to emotion, learning to calm her mind so she could think her way out of any situation. As a result, she has a relaxed, easy going attitude which makes her very friendly and personal. This combined with her spiritual growth allows her to act both as diplomat as well as warrior. Being able to resolve conflict by talking while still being able to defend herself and others when necessary.

Despite Knightwalker altering the past, another sorceress named Zolida is determined to prevent history from being altered any further. Thus she later sent Shi-ria to Earth. Like in the original timeline, Shi-ria would again find this teenage girl named Chiyoko whom she would train as an apprentice. The difference this time was that Shi-ria was older and more mature. Having used her Taman powers to look into the future, she saw the original future Scarlet Knightwalker came from but also saw another possible future; one where she didn’t die and Chiyoko wouldn’t become a Koldar Warrior. Now Shi-ria, along with Scarlet Knightwalker, Mystic and Noonien work to ensure that history doesn’t repeat itself, despite Zolida’s attempts to ensure that it does.

(UPDATE) Character Bio: Aanjay

(UPDATE) Character Bio: Aanjay

Aanjay is an antagonist from Mystical Force. Her first appearance was in volume 2: Angels and Demons. Aanjay is a sorceress who was once engaged to Noonien before he met and later married Mystic.

Like Mystic and Noonien, Aanjay was born in the country of Aryavarta with magical essence as her mystical force. When she and Noonien were small children their parents arranged for them to be married. However, shortly afterwards the people of her village discovered her family had magic powers. Due to prejudice against their sorcery, the people of Aanjay’s village killed her parents and burned her house down. Aanjay managed to escape and was taken in by Noonien’s family and raised along side of him. Unfortunately, the damage had already been done. Aanjay decided that since ordinary humans feared and hated those with a mystical force, she’d give them a reason to fear and hate her. From that moment on, she vowed to make humanity pay for what they did.

As she grew up into a young woman, she along with Noonien and Mystic, enrolled at the Academy of magic and alchemy, a prestigious school for mages located in the city of Andropolis on the planet Orathos. There Aanjay learned about magic and how to control her powers. Unfortunately, she only thing she was really interested in learning was how to use her powers to get revenge on the humans who killed her parents. As the years went on, that need for vengeance warped her mind to the point that she became no different than those who killed her parents. Like those humans who killed her family because they were different, she feels humans are an inferior, savage subspecies and must be destroyed.

During their time at the Academy, Noonien tried to help Aanjay to get over her hatred. He tried to show her that by plotting to destroy all humans without a mystical force, all she was really doing was giving people more reasons to fear and hate mages. It was during this time that Noonien first met Mystic. She too tried to help Aanjay see that anger and revenge were ultimately self destructive but Aanjay was already too far gone. Due to Aanjay’s growing darkness, Noonien found himself less attracted to her while simultaneously beginning to fall in love with Mystic. Noonien tried to find a way to tell Aanjay that he was going to break off their arranged marriage so he and Mystic could marry instead. Unfortunately, whenever he tried to talk to Aanjay about this, the conversation always ended up turning back to Aanjay’s plans to make humanity pay for what they did to her.

A short while later, Aanjay returned to the village where she grew up and confronted the people who killed her parents. Upon revealing herself to be a sorceress to the village, an angry mobbed formed, preparing to do the same thing to her that happened to her parents years earlier. Unlike her parents, who has no desire the harm their fellow villagers, Aanjay felt no such compassion for them. Thus she murdered the entire population of the village in cold blood.

Upon returning to the Academy, Aanjay was confronted by Mystic and Noonien. They finally decided to tell her about their relationship, unaware that Aanjay had already figured it out. Unable to find the right words, Mystic instead tried to explain telepathically. That was when Mystic and Noonien read Aanjay’s mind and learned about her massacre at the village. Horrified by her actions, they reported this to the Headmaster whom had Aanjay expelled for her crimes. Now a fugitive, Aanjay teams up with a demon named Jimomaru, who like her also holds a grudge against humanity. Together their plans are to ultimately show humans why beings with a mystical force are superior and to hunt down humans the way humans have hunted and persecuted them.

Character Bio: Scarlet Knightwalker (contains spoilers)

Character Bio: Scarlet Knightwalker (contains spoilers)

WARNING: The following contains spoilers, so if you DON’T want to know, STOP READING RIGHT NOW!!!

Scarlet Knightwalker is a mysterious woman who for reasons not yet know to our protagonists is adamant that Shi-ria be sent back home to her planet of Thalia and not get involved with people, or matters from Earth. While on the surface, one could assume she simply wishes for Shi-ria to be returned to her home, since she was brought to Earth against her will by a rival sorceress named Zolida, the truth is more complicated that that. In order to understand her motivations, one need to look back, or should I say ‘forward’ at the personal history of Scarlet Knightwalker.

In her youth, Scarlet Knightwalker was a bounty hunter with a strong sense of morals and honour. She made a living capturing dangerous criminals and bringing them to justice. She would never take a job for a shady employer, especially if said employer wanted her to kill her intended target. Whenever she arrested a criminal, she’d make sure they were safely handed over to the authorities to be punished for their crimes. She’d even risk her own life to protect said criminals until they were brought to justice. She was very brave and had a no nonsense attitude about her work. She would never hesitate to do the right thing or help those in danger.

What sets Scarlet Knightwalker apart from the others is that she’s not from this time, she’s actually from the future. [Before I go on, I should AGAIN specify the following contains spoilers, so if you don’t want to know what going to happen, then why did you ignore the warning at the top of the blog?] At some point in her past (or the future, from the perspective of the other characters) Shi-ria met (or should I say ‘will meet’) a teenage girl whom she would take as an apprentice. Eventually Shi-ria would die along with Noonien and Tokijin. The Order of the Cross, believing that all those, aside from members of their order, who have a ‘mystical force’ are servants of the devil, would be responsible for their deaths. This event will cause Shi-ria’s apprentice to turn evil and want revenge against the Order. This would also cause Mystic and Valerie Rose to turn against the Order and destroy them in retaliation. This would also cause Rose and Mystic to believe that all religion is evil and embark on a mission to destroy all religion and anyone who would try and stop them, even the various governments of the world. Eventually Mystic, Valerie Rose and Shi-ria’s apprentice would team up with others to take over the Earth and rule it like a totalitarian dictatorship. Like any dictatorship, they would round up, imprison and even execute those deemed ‘enemies of the people’. Some of those people would include friends and family of Scarlet Knightwalker.

Scarlet Knightwalker would end up going back in time in order to prevent all of this from happening. In the process of altering history, Knightwalker ended up being mortally wounded. This is why her outfit completely covers her from head to toe, save for a narrow slit around her eyes. It provides to dual benefit of hiding the various scars all over her body, as well as hide her face and to ensure no one accidentally recognizes her. Knightwalker’s injuries also left her crippled and near death. She was saved from this by a kind wizard and his student, a young mage named Zolida. They took Knightwalker into a pocket dimension and healed her. With time, Knightwalker was able to regain her mobility and ability to fight. This wizard then gave her magic staves which enabled her to use magic. Since Scarlet Knightwalker had no mystical force of her own. Thus her magic staves allowed her to use magic and give her an advantage both against other mages as well as overcome her crippling injuries. This caused some resentment from Zolida, who was already an apprentice to this wizard and became jealous of Knightwalker getting what Zolida perceived to be preferential treatment from their master. Zolida also grew jealous of the fact that she spend years learning magic only for her master to seemingly just give away magic powers to Knightwalker. Meanwhile, Scarlet Knightwalker vowed to ensure the future she came from would never come to pass. This is why Knightwalker has been covertly watching Shi-ria, and has been working behind the scenes to prevent Shi-ria from coming to Earth in the first place. Meanwhile Zolida, believing that Knightwalker can’t/shouldn’t fight fate, has been spending the years trying to undo all of Knightwalker’s efforts to alter history. Both for the above mentioned reason as well as simple jealousy.



Mystic is a human female with magic, telepathic and telekinetic powers. Her mystical force is magical essence. She comes from the nation of Aryavarta. Mystic was born on Earth in said nation. When her telepathic powers initially developed she found them overwhelming thus learned to meditate from an early age to control her mind and powers thus stopping her mind from constantly being flooded with the thoughts of others. When she was in her late teens Mystic attended a school for people with magic powers called The Academy of Magic and Alchemy, in the city of Andropolis on the planet of Orathos. During her stint as a student she shared her room with another sorceress from Aryavarta called Aanjay. The two became friends. During this time she also met Aanjay’s arranged fiancé, a man with magic powers also from Aryavarta, called Noonien. Despite being arranged to married Aanjay, Mystic and Noonien fell in love. It turned out that Noonien already had a falling out with Aanjay whom due to prejudice felt people without a mystical force were inferior. This caused her to break off her arranged married allowing Noonien and Mystic to marry.

Mystic is a very calm and rational person. She often acts like a guide to the others, giving them insights and advice to help them with their problems. She prefers to let people solve their own problems and tends not to get directly involved unless she deems it necessary. Though genuinely compassionate with a sense of respect for all creatures she sometimes becomes frustrated by people and their “nasty habit” of using violence to solve their problems, particularly by using guns.

Mystic’s most notable personality trait is her strong sense of morals. Mystic is a powerful telepath and also has telekinetic powers in addition to a vast knowledge of magic spells. Thus if she really wanted to, she could use her powers turn everyone into mindless puppets with no free will, or induce all sorts of horrible tortures on the body and mind. This is why Mystic imposes personal limits on herself and what she uses her powers for. If there is one thing that Mystic truly fears, it’s the old saying: Absolute power corrupts absolutely. While she doesn’t have absolute power, her telekinesis, telepathy and her magic make her one of the most powerful characters in the series. Thus why she tends to spend most of her time in contemplative meditation. When she’s not meditating, she spends her time between earth and other planets helping people with personal problems and guiding them during difficult times, since she believes it’s everyone’s responsibility to help those in need and do the right thing for no other reason other than because it’s the right thing to do.

Mystic is a very powerful telepath. She has the ability to read minds and sense the presence of people around her. As stated above, she is so strong in her telepathy, she could easily control minds and bend people to her will if she wanted to. Fortunately, she’s on the side of the good guys thus her telepathic powers are limited by her strong sense of morals. Thus rather than actually controlling minds, she prefers to use her powers more subtly to influence someone’s behavior, similar to the “Jedi mind trick” in which she waves her hand giving someone a suggestion, making them temporarily due her bidding; though as stated above, she only uses this power if she deems it necessary and usually doesn’t like doing so, both out of her disdain for controlling others minds and her fear that she may become corrupted by her powers should she use them too much.

In addition to this, she also has the ability to create illusions, both in and outside the mind. Illusions so powerful her opponents would be unable to tell what’s real and what isn’t. For example, if Mystic were to create an illusion of a brick wall surrounding a person, said person could no more ignore it/walk through it than they could a real brick wall. Another power she has is the ability to change her physical appearance and or voice, thus allowing her to pass herself as/impersonate anyone she so chooses to. However as stated above, her strong sense of morals limit the extent of which she uses her powers.

In addition to her telepathy, she also has telekinetic powers. She can lift people and objects with her mind including herself, thus giving her the ability of fly. This is the primary basis of her powers. This combined with her telepathy makes her a formidable opponent in battle. If, for example, someone were to try and shoot her with a gun, she could sense what her opponent is planning, raise her hand and stop the bullet mid air, use telekinesis to yank the gun of that person’s hand or use telekinesis to make her opponent turn and aim the gun somewhere else. She could even technically use her power to crush a person’s internal organs or choke them to death, though as stated above, her strong sense of morals prevents her from going all Darth Vader on her opponent.

She also has the ability to teleport herself and people around her. Usually twirling like a dancer, causing her dress to spin, cloaking her and disappearing in a puff of smoke. She also has the ability to open portals to other dimensions, usually pocket dimensions. For example, using the “opponent tries to shoot her” example from above. She could open a portal directly in between herself and the shooter, causing the bullet to sail harmlessly into said pocket dimension and be trapped in there once she closes the portal. Then she could, theoretically if she wanted to, open another portal to the side of the shooter, allowing the bullet to come flying out of the portal and striker the shooter in the side of their head, but as stated, her personal moral codes prevents her from taking such an action.

As noted multiple times above, she tends not to use the full extent of her powers out of concern that doing so might lead to the temptation to misuse said powers for less than noble means. Some of her other magical abilities include, firing energy bolts/beams, being able to read multiple books at once and even cast multiple spells at the same time. As a mage, she has knowledge of and can perform various magic spells.



Sister Valerie Rose is a human born in the country of Usonia. Her Mystical Force is spiritual powers, which is why she was recruited into the Order of the Cross. Like Shi-ria with her Taman powers, Sister Rose can use her powers to heal people by touch, though this is only limited to minor injuries. She also seems to have a form of ESP that allows her to sense demonic or supernatural phenomenon. Like other exorcists of her level she can also form energy arrows which she can fire and demons via a bow like device attached to her right forearm. She also carries small church issued guns and is an excellent shot. She is also skilled at hand to hand combat and sword combat, using an energy like sword from a small cross she carries. She also has good reflexes which prove useful in combat situations.

Valerie Rose was born in the country of Usonia during its Second Civil War. When she was a small child her parents were killed. Thus she spent most of her early life living in a Catholic orphanage. From a young age she was raised in traditional Catholic beliefs, but like many young people living such a strict and restrictive life caused her to grow into a rebellious teenager. One who would frequently break the rules and often be disciplined for her behaviour, which ironically made her even more rebellious, rude and disrespectful towards authority figures.

As a teenager she was discovered by the nuns that ran the orphanage to have strong spiritual powers. When word of this reached the Order of the Cross, Father Patrick Mulcahey was sent to investigate and though she had great potential that needed to be moulded. He took her to the Order of the Cross where she began training as an exorcist. Her skill caused her to rise in rank quickly but at the same time her independent attitude cause conflict within the Order. While she respected Father Mulcahey, due to his more lenient attitude, she quickly came into conflict with Mother Superior, a stern woman with a no-nonsense attitude, who ran the Order more like a military base. Thus in order to escape the restrictive life of the Order, she would to sneak out of the convent to party, drink, smoke and do other social activities that most normal people take for granted but are forbidden for a person of her position. Of course, her biggest secret, as well as the one cardinal sin she not supposed to break is her having a boyfriend. While the simple act of dating a man would be forbidden for a nun, the fact that her boyfriend is a demon, only makes matters worse. She usually tries to keep this a secret from the order, often using the excuse that she’s checking for demonic activity or for a lead on some demonic threat. Despite her sometimes flimsy excuses she’s never actually been caught. Many of the other members have their suspicions but no proof.

It was during this time she also met and fell in love with the demon Tokijin, a forbidden love she keeps secret as mentioned above. Having met him on a mission to rescue some innocent people who were being killed by a cult worshipping a powerful demon. Upon investigating the matter, the Order learned that these people were part demon, due to having a faint trace of demonic lineage passed down through the generations from ancestors of theirs. Most of these people weren’t even aware of this, however it didn’t matter to the Order. As far as they were concerned, these people were the offspring of devils, thus their deaths were what God wanted. It was this incident that first planted the seeds of doubt in Sister Rose’s mind. As she continued the think it over she found herself more and more conflicted. Having grown up under the influence of the church, a part of her still believes the rigid, inflexible dogmatism that had been continually drilled into her head. This is why she still follows the teachings of the Order even when her conscience seems to be telling her otherwise. She feels is her duty as well as a sense of moral obligation to protect people from evil. She also, like any good follower, fears going to hell for not obeying God’s will. She also feels that she owes the Order, since they’ve given her a home and a purpose in life. That being said, a part of her is beginning to see that (through her interactions with the other main characters) how flawed the Order and the church is and seriously begins to question whether or not their drive to destroy “devils” has blinded them to what true evil is and they are simply practising a form of fantastic racism.